Day 135: Danyi Abbaye de l'ascension – PermaTogo
Our dinner yesterday was an interesting experience. We were assigned our seats in a dining room for guests. In addition to us, there were two other guests (Stephan, a Frenchman who lives temporarily in Togo and his companion), an employee and two women from the village who helped prepare the food. The meal was eaten in silence, the monks prayed next door and the sermon was broadcasted into the dining room. There was a fish stew (delicious), boiled jam root (a bit sober), potatoes (without salt) and salad (which we tend to avoid). Plus lemongrass tea. Then communal washing up and putting away.
This morning we chat with Stephan and a Togolese couple (Jonas and Francesca) who are staying here for a few days. These conversations are a crucial enrichment on this journey.
Today we continue through the mountains and the Danyi high plateau with its coffee plantations. First to the north, then to the south again and this evening we will land just a few kilometers as the crow flies to the east on the other side of the mountain. But we were on the road for a day :-) The landscape is phenomenal. When the visibility is good it must be breathtaking.
Btw: A Jameson's mamba crossed our path today, a little more yellow-green than the better-known green mamba. Quite long and quite nimble.
At Perma Togo we meet Lio and Domi again as well as their French friends Floris and Marion. The place belongs to a German who has been building a permaculture farm here with a lot of commitment since the beginning of Corona. The “family” includes his companion Gloria, four donkeys, around twenty pigs (one less tomorrow), chickens, turkeys, ducks, a dog and THE little monkey.
We add tomatoes and small potatoes to the communal cabbage stew (we never realized that you could miss potatoes too). And later chocolate from our fair trade purchase.