Day 02: Witzenhausen – Groß Gerau – Basel


At breakfast, a slight feeling of fall comes over us, it is fresh and the first yellow leaves are dancing on the table. We use the morning for an early start before the traffic gets more crowded due to the long weekend on October 3rd.

Our route takes us via Groß-Gerau, where we are supposed to get an extension for the OBD plug at Offroad Motorhomes. We are now on the road for the first long stretch with the new software and we are concerned that the otherwise regular DPF regeneration has not started for around 600 km. We discuss this when we pick up the extension, but are reassured that the regeneration will certainly start soon. But it doesn't!

On the onward journey to Basel, we realize that we have a problem, because the DPF regeneration has not started even after almost 900 km.

The evening with friends is relaxed and pleasant, but the night is a bit restless.