Day 93: Bo
We wanted African cuisine, so for breakfast we had a warm stew with sweet potato, plantain, cassava, yam and small pieces of fish – the whole thing is called yabe. Actually similar ingredients as yesterday, but different preparation. And, not at all African, German brewed coffee! And a wonderfully tuffy brioche-like bread.
We spend the morning more or less chatting with our host, who came back here after his studies in the middle of the war years and built the hospital. There is still a cooperation with doctors in Oldenburg today.
We talk about travel, horizons of experience, fears, religion.
Islam is not so strict in its interpretation of everyday life here. There are mixed faith marriages and at some point children decide for themselves which faith they want to follow.
What we learn about the Moringa tree is that everything about it is valuable and can be used. The seeds are even used to purify water. We try the powder in tea form and the taste reminds us of matcha tea.
In between we take care of the power station in our car and try to charge it again with solar – for whatever reason, AC no longer works.
And since every day is washing day, the pieces from yesterday are being washed and even the sneakers get a facelift by the two cleaners, who don't like the fact that the shoes are so dirty. Incidentally, the young men across the street were doing the same thing this morning – washing their clothes and dressing up their shoes. The callus on the foot is removed by rubbing on concrete.
By midday we are ready for a shower again.
For lunch there is rice and stew with fish, chicken, okra and beans. The cook Ami decided this morning that Brigitte is too thin and should eat better, ideally with her for a whole week.
What's nice is how all kinds of people are fed here, including the driver of the other two guests and a local mechanic who repaired their car.
We continue to chat with Brigitte, who is also German, and talk about traumatized child soldiers who are now serving in the police and military. About female circumcision, which is still common. About the houses that people build here and about the overexploitation of sand. And also about the fact that a teacher in the civil service only earns 1,200 SLE, which is less than 50 euros. We'll use up this sum very quickly...
It's exciting to be able to ask detailed questions.
In the late afternoon we took a stroll through the town, which we really liked. And then another day is over and we enjoy the sunset on the terrace in front of our room with a beer.