Day 79: Berg-en-Dal-Campsite – Pretoriuskop Rest Camp


Today we drive from Berg-en-Dal to Pretoriuskop.

It is the day of the elephants. We see lots of small groups and individual animals.

Also: impalas, kudus, ibexes and klipspringers, zebras. A few vultures and nests, more eagles, smaller and a little lighter than yesterday's. Identifying birds of prey is difficult.

It smells wonderful of flowering trees and bushes, it is mostly a little green now, the landscape is hilly and varied. It's fun.

In the evening we discover that the local restaurant is run by "Wimpy". We don't feel like eating greasy fast food and quickly cook something: polenta with beans and the like is quick and delicious.

The moon is almost full and hangs magnificently over the sky. A campfire is always nice. And somehow sometimes a fence around the camp (unlike in Botswana) isn't a bad idea when you can hear the hyenas nearby.

Oh yes, we also learned that yesterday: Since hyenas eat the bones, the droppings are white and – much more importantly – a good source of calcium for some other animals.