
Day 59: Warsaw - Hamburg


The last day of the journey. In the morning, I set out again for a walk through Warsaw in the daylight, also to have breakfast somewhere.

I enjoy the morning atmosphere of the city and enjoy a nice big cappuccino with a croissant.

Already about 10am I leave my Airbnb accommodation and walk to my motorcycle in the guarded garage (50 zlotys, about 11-12 euros) and prepare for the last 860 kilometers to Hamburg.

First of all, I'm happy to finally be able to refuel at the petrol stations "normally". So putting the fuel pistol into the tank, fill up and then pay. In Poland, there are some kind of "watchdogs" at the gas stations, which help in case of problems, but rather have the function to take care that no one refuels without paying. I talk to one of these watchdogs at the first Polish gas station, and tell him that I'm happy to be back in this system of refueling. So much easier.

Especially refueling with the credit card was a big problem in Russia and the Stans. Maybe I did not understand it either, but most of the time they wanted me to know an exact number of liters I want to refuel. But if I want to fill up, how can I know the amount of liters? And then it often failed. The farther east, the harder it became to fill up with the credit card. Different in Mongolia. There are still the employees which refuel for you.

At 6:30 pm, after 23,483 kilometers and 59 days, I arrive back home happily. A unique journey comes to an end.

Finally, a few dates:

The rear tire TKC80 was good for 13878 kilometers, but is now really at the end.

The front tire TKC80 was good for 17568 kilometers already.

The front tires TKC70, with which I started from Hamburg, spent only the 5962 kilometers to Barnaul on the road.

The rear tire TKC70, which I got new in Barnaul and changed it back to the TKC80 in Osh, has spent only 3690 kilometers on the road.

With my motorcycle, I have now driven 113150 kilometers. The speedometer in the display, however, shows 107197 kilometers, because since Kyrgyzstan the speedometer doesn't working properly any longer and thus leading to a difference of 5953 kilometers.