Friday 2015/04/24

Granada - Malaga - Algeciras



Today I finally meet Brigitte.

I drive from Granada across the mountains towards Malaga. Really nice roads and landscapes. I arrive in Malaga at the airport on time, but need some time to find the arrival area and where I can park the bike. By doing this, the waiting time is shortened.

In addition, Brigitte and I can chat with each other via internet until shortly before her arrival, as the Norwegians offer free Wifi on board. Is pretty funny to be somewhere in the mountains on the bike and chat with someone who hovers somewhere in the air.

Only 8 kilos of luggage. At 11 o'clock relaxed departure to Malaga, arrival with 15 minutes delay and Wolle is there to pick me up. Having a coffee before we leave for Algeciras.

Ride along the coast - very ugly buildings. Quite a while after passing Marbella it is getting a bit nicer.

Staying in Algeciras in the "next best" hotel, at the harbor, Hotel Reina Christina. It is said that many spies lived there during the World War II and developed their photos of the observation of the Strait of Gibraltar in the bathrooms. Unfortunately, Wolle has to work a bit.

There are a lot of motorcyclists staying here. Most of them ride BMW.

In the evening nice tapas for dinner in the village, tuna, tortilla, tomatoes, fried vegetables.