Friday, 2016/10/07

Ravenna – Ronchi dei Legionari


In the morning a walk through Ravenna. First to the tomb of Teoderico.

I wanted to visit the Basilica di Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, but not at an entrance fee of 9.50 Euros. This is too much for me, because I just wanted to take a look and have to leave soon.

For the ride to Venice I choose the ordinary roads. From there I continue on the highway for a while and then leave it again, since I have enough time until my friend comes home at 2pm.

Lunch in Ronchi.

Afterwards we bring the motorcycle to the mechanic. The tire has not yet arrived. I leave the bike with the mechanic so he can change the brake pads and seal the oil seal.

In the evening we will go to Udine, where we have a meal and some beer. We meet some friends of my friend and his girl friend.